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After booking your initial evaluation (selecting Evaluation - À Distance) you will be sent a confirmation email including the address of the clinic.


Dont worry!


A second email with a link for your video-conference will be sent shortly after. Sign in at the designated time to meet your Physio.

A remote Physiotherapy Evaluation will be performed, which is a lot like an in person evaluation. A detailed history is taken, followed by testing and evaluation of the injury, and finally exercise prescription. 

How does it work

Telehealth, or Tele-rehab, is the use of video conferencing to provide healthcare at a distance.


Modern physiotherapy research has demonstrated the effectiveness of hands off, active rehab, reducing the need for hands on techniques. 

Which means, Physiotherapy evaluations and treatment can be equally effective at home, or from anywhere else in the world!



What is needed?


Access to a webcam (cellphones work!) and a reliable internet connection


For climbing injuries, access to a tension block or hangboard is useful, but not mandatory. 

For back pain, access to a low-backed chair or foam roller. 

Resistance bands are may be used once exercises are prescribed, so can be aquired before or after the session.

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