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Rock Climbing Physiotherapy.
In the heart of Montreal

Climbing Wall

In partnership with Café Bloc

Café Bloc Logo

The best time to treat an injury is before it happens. 
The next best time is now.

For information on  upcoming clinics, and to read through recent patient case studies, please visit the Community and Event pages

Mountain Landscape

Physiotherapy Evaluation and Treatment

Low back and neck pain

Low back pain is the #1 cause of long term pain and disability. Using our advanced training in MDT (Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy), we can quickly and permanently resolve your Symptoms

Rock Climbing Injuries

Rock climbing can strain muscles, joints, and tendons, causing issues like pulley injuries and inflammation. Proper evaluation and physiotherapy treatment are key for recovery, reducing pain, preventing damage, and keeping you climbing safely.

With a broad base of experience across rock climbing, trail and road running, hiking, and strength and conditioning, we have the knowledge you need to get back to your sport.

Sport Physiotherapy

Sciatic and Nerve Pain

Nerve pain, including sciatic, can often accompany low back pain. We have the knowledge and experience to accurately diagnose and treat the cause of your nerve symptoms. 

Shoulder pain and weakness

Unexplained shoulder pain, shoulder weakness, or a loss of shoulder range of motion can have many causes. An early evaluation can mean rapid treatment and recovert

Headaches and Migraines

Many headaches and migraines can be cause by tension in the upper neck. Our active and hands on techniques can help resolve recurrent headache symptoms

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